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System BIOS

ftServerŽ System BIOS Firmware

Software should be downloaded from this area and installed under the direction of a representative of  Stratus Customer Services or your Stratus-authorized support provider.

ftServer Systems - Models  4400, 4410, 6200 and 6210
using the VMwareŽ ESX™ Server Operating System.

BIOS Firmware

Software upgrades to the CPU Basic Input/Output Subsystem (BIOS) firmware for the Stratus ftServer family of computer systems using the VMware ESX Server Operating System. Contact Stratus Customer Services or your support provider for assistance installing this firmware.

Select the area/model/family from the list at the left to quickly go to that section.

The latest files appear at the top of each the following lists.

Please review any README file within the download for further information. 

ftServer System - Models 4400/6200
BIOS Firmware

Date Hardware Version Notes
2009-07-06 160-01650

Update 160-01650-00x and 160-01695-00x CPU BIOS to release 2.2.60 on ftServer 4400 and 6200, operating ftServer system software 1.0 and above and 2.0 and above for VMwareŽ ESX.

It is MANDATORY to update CPU BIOS to 2.2.60 on ftServer 4400 and 6200 when upgrading to VMwareŽ ESX 2.0 or above.

It is not mandatory to update CPU BIOS firmware to 2.2.60 for ftServer 4400 and 6200 operating ftServer system software release 1.0 and above for VMwareŽ ESX.
CPU BIOS 2.2.60 was qualified to operate with ftServer system software release 1.0 and above and 2.0 and above for VMwareŽ ESX.

All additional details are in the README.txt file in the download.

 595 KB

Date Hardware Version Notes
2008-05-14 160-01650

This version of the BIOS firmware is the first BIOS supported with VMware ESX 1.0 Infrastructure.

This BIOS is MANDATORY for ftServer 2500, 4400, and 6200 systems shipped with CRU motherboards 160-01695-00x which contain G-Step

All additional details are in the README.txt file in the download.
 597 KB

ftServer System - Models 4410/6210
BIOS Firmware

Date Hardware Version Notes
2009-09-01 160-01695 3.1.19

Update 243-633397 CPU BIOS to release 3.1.19 on ftServer 4410, and 6210, operating ftServer system software release 1.1 and above and 2.0 and above for VMwareŽ ESX.

It is MANDATORY to update CPU BIOS to 3.1.19 on ftServer 4410 and 6210 when upgrading to ESX 2.0 or above.

CPU BIOS revision 3.1.19 was released for ftServer 4410, 6210 operating ftServer system software release 1.1 and above for VMware ESX. But is NOT required, due to no bugs being fixed beyond the support of VMware ESX 2.0 and above.

607 KB

The software available through this area of the Stratus web site is intended for use only on Stratus ftServer architecture systems; any other use is not supported by Stratus Technologies, and in fact, could possibly damage the hardware, software, or data on such non-ftServer systems. Download software from this area only under the direction of Stratus Customer Services or your Stratus-authorized support provider. r.

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